General Rules

It is your responsibility to read and understand these rules. Rules can/will change at anytime.

No NSFW, racism, sexism, sexual harassment, erotic role play and/or any controversial or inappropriate content is permitted. Slurs based on country of origin, religion, mental or physical disability are also prohibited.

We have no tolerance for threats made against DDOS, DOXING, staff or other members of the community.

If you have access to CF Tools, sharing screenshots, calling out cheaters, or any use of CF Tools against other members is strictly prohibited.

Hacking, associating yourself with cheaters, duping, render glitching, using Nvidia Inspector, and exploiting bugs/glitches is prohibited.

Stream sniping, alternate accounts, ban evading, staff abuse claims and staff impersonating are strictly prohibited.

Combat logging is strictly prohibited. You must be out of combat for at least 10 minutes before doing so. If you crash or there's a server restart, you must log back in.

You must provide a clip in tickets in order for a compensation to be considered.

Compensations are up to staff members. Any staff can refuse any compensation without any reason.

If server restarts while flying a helicopter, login at your own risk. Loot will NOT be compensated if you choose to log in without staff assistance.

No logging out within 200m of a keycard room nor any event.

Support is only available through Discord Tickets.